Querying Data Using Ranges

Learn how to create and find data ranges in Synnax.

This page walks you through using ranges to query sections of your cluster’s data.


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Defining New Ranges

The primary means for accessing data in the Synnax console is through ranges. A range is identified by a start timestamp, end timestamp, and name. You can read more conceptually about ranges here.

Local Ranges

Local ranges exist only within your console, and are not persisted to the cluster. They’re quite useful for quickly exploring data, and can eventually be converted to persisted ranges if you so desire. To create a local range, click the “Add Range” button in the ranges toolbar:

Persisted Ranges

Persisted ranges are saved permanently to the cluster, and can be accessed by other members of your organization. Creating a persisted range is the same as creating a local range, but you’ll click the “Save Permanently” button instead.

Parameters for Creating a Range

NameA human-readable name for identifying the range
Start DateThe start date of the range.
Start TimeThe start time of the range. This value is inclusive, meaning any samples with a timestamp equal to the start time will be included in the range.
End DateThe end date of the range.
End TimeThe end time of the range. This value is exclusive, meaning any samples with a timestamp equal to the end time will not be included in the range.

Finding Existing Ranges

There are two ways to find existing ranges in the console. The resources tool bar and the command and search palette.

Through the Resources Toolbar

The resources toolbar is located on the left side of the console, and can be used to browse all of your cluster’s resources, including ranges. All of your ranges can be found under the “Ranges” section.

We can load a specific range into our ranges table by double clicking on it.

Through the Command and Search Palette

The command and search palette is located in the top center of the console, and can be used to search for cluster resources and execute commands. We can find a permanently saved range just by typing its name into the palette.

Use the arrow keys to navigate the results, and press enter to load the range you’re interested in. You can also hover and click using your mouse.